Line 6 | Catalyst Guitar Amplifiers

Project information

  • Category: Hardware Product | Software
  • Brand: Line 6
  • Project date: March, 2022
  • Project URL:
  • Role: UX/UI Designer
  • Overview: A brand new amplifier line that focuses on sound quality to streamline the user experience that all guitarists can appreciate in a guitar amp. Catalyst features newly created amp designs that aim to both evoke the most popular amps, but also using digital methods to improve those sounds in ways that analog designs cannot. The interface was designed to utilize familiar controls, avoiding user-friction caused by menu-driven display technologies used in other products in this space.

  • Contributions: Research, Prototypes, App Design, Logo Design, User Experience, Interface Design.
  • Performed primary research by conducting interviews with existing users and non-users to gather qualitative data to better understand their needs and desires. Identified how that differed from our current product offerings.
  • Gathered secondary research from user forums and internal feedback tools to help inform what product to build.
  • Brought feedback to cross-functional engineering groups help us target the ideal sonic improvements to make.
  • Hand-built low fidelity proof-of-concept prototypes and conducted usability studies with key stakeholders to validate the form and function of the design.
  • Created production artwork for the validated product interface, logo, and point-of-purchase collaterals.
  • Designed wireframes, mock-ups and production art for cross-platform companion apps.
  • Collaborated with engineering to reach the experience goals that were validated by initial and ongoing research.
  • Catalyst received “Best in Show” award at NAMM 2022.